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Forbidden Nuts

Apr 30, 2019 @ 02:00

In the run-up to 75 years of liberation, Ars Musica put together a special program that focuses on forbidden music during the Second World War.
In the totalitarian Germany of the 1930s, the term 'Entartete Musik' referred to all music that in their eyes was morally and politically objectionable. The composers were persecuted and the performance of their music was prohibited.

Music movements such as jazz, atonal music and above all music by Jewish composers were labeled 'Entartet'. But 'nationalistic music', music that contained folklore-like elements and could evoke patriotic feelings, was also suspected and banned. For the first time in humankind, race was a determining factor in whether music was good. Solo wind players from the Ars Musica Orkest form a wind quintet that takes you to these 'Forbidden Notes' with the help of lecturer Arjen JA Uitbeijerse.

Rieneke Brink, flute
Inge Ariesen, oboe
Simon Dubbeld, clarinet
Suzanne van Berkum, bassoon
Jenneke de Jonge, horn

Arjen JA Uitbeijerse, lecturer


April 30, 2019


"Patrick van der Linden is a very nice conductor to work with. He is very musical, and makes music in a very natural way, together with the musicians around him.
You notice that there is a good atmosphere during rehearsals and concerts, because he really seeks collaboration with his people. He also gives a lot of confidence to the musicians who work with him, which I find very pleasant."

Klaartje van Veldhoven, soprano June 16, 2022

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